Organizational Structure
Becoming a member of the organization consists of the following:
General Assembly All current/active members of CISSA are part of the General Assembly. The General Assembly meets at least twice per year to discuss and build consensus on issues and actions of the CISSA organization. All current/active members of the general assembly are eligible to serve on the Council of Leadership and as part of the branches or commitments. The General Assembly by general consensus will approve the election of the Council of Leadership. Council of Leadership The Council of Leadership is responsible for the daily administration and operations of CISSA and for assisting the Branches and Commitments. The Council of Leadership works in service of the General Assembly and upholds the values of reciprocity, respect, and responsibility to fulfill the leadership roles and support the health and success of the organization. Leadership Council members should operate as a team to support general assembly success, recruitment and retention of general assembly members, There are five council of leadership members.
Elections Leadership Council nominations will take place at the first General Assembly meeting of each year as needed for each of the noted terms. It is expected that all General Assembly members will be given the opportunity to serve on the Leadership Council. General Assembly members who have not served a term on the Leadership Council shall be given priority to serve in Leadership Council positions. General Assembly members can “pass” on serving which will allow previous Leadership Council members to run for a consecutive term.